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Things you should take care of in your car to save money

Learn how to measure and control the expenses that arise from your vehicle in order to save.

There are details in the operation of your vehicle that you can take care of, not only to make it perform better, but to save some weight that can be very useful.

In addition to keeping your vehicle in top condition, you should observe it closely to get the most out of it without overspending. With the following recommendations you will be able to save some excess weight to use it as it best suits you.


If you know how to manage the fuel in your car, the savings can be a lot. You should keep your tank full and never let it reach the reserve.

It is also not recommended to load just enough to reach your destination, that is, avoid refueling for $50.00 or $100.00 because the consumption and expense will be much higher, and the gas pump and engine can be affected.

Consult the website of the Federal Consumer Protection Office for all the things you should check when buying gasoline.


Providing the necessary maintenance services to your car is the best way to prevent heavy spending in the future.

It is much better to spend little on maintenance on a regular basis than to cover the full amount of an expensive repair due to wear and tear.

Have your car serviced according to the mileage or time indicated in your manual.

Change of tires

It is best to replace all the tyres at once, or at least two at a time, and that they are on the same axle (front or rear).

This way you will extend the life of your tires because their wear will be uniform and your car will work optimally. If you’re going to do a two-way change, keep in mind that the front tires usually wear out faster than the rear tires because they support more weight on the vehicle.


The skill of the driver is a very important factor in generating savings when using the vehicle. So you should not feel like a Formula 1 driver every time you accelerate, because if you do, the fuel consumption and wear of the car will be high, every time you start, do it gradually.

Remember not to “warm up” the car before starting, this also causes the gas to leak and the machine to be affected.

All original

The best thing you can do to keep your car in perfect condition is to leave it as it left the dealership.

Cars are made to perfection in the factory to give them the best performance, so if you change your wheels to bigger ones, for example, you will spend more on gas and also on fixing your tires.

Without a doubt, the best way to save money using your car is with a good insurance policy that fits your lifestyle and has the coverage you need. Think that an insurance can support you in urgent situations such as an accident or theft.